Link to Blog
                Please click the above link to view my blog for ENG 1131: Writing Through Media. Here you will find a collection of all the writing assignments I have completed during this semester. These assignments include my personal background information, my reflections about text, images, films, and songs in the public media, digitally manipulated images and artistic defenses for those images, and my online Facebook persona.
                I liked posting my assignments on a blog as opposed to turning them in as a word document because the blog allowed me to express myself in ways that would not be possible in a word document. The blog allowed me to see what I had written in the past without having to go through my computer files in order to make connections between assignments. Also, viewers of my blog can see how I have progressed as a writer or notice patterns in my writing by having all the assignments consolidated into one blog page.
There is a different mentality when you’re writing for an infinite audience on the internet rather than writing for one teacher. Any of my classmates can read my blog and learn a lot about me if they take the time to do so. I feel like I have grown more comfortable with expressing myself to strangers through blogging all semester. I would suggest blogging for any writing class because it is much more fun than emailing plain word documents to your professors. By giving your classmates access to your blog, they can provide far more feedback than a single professor.